The kind of Doctor your mother wanted

Actually, the kind of Doctor your mother, father, aunt, uncle and grandparents went to.  The Doctor who was there the day your ancestors were born and held their hand as they passed on.  The kind of Doctor who knew the family intimately.

Cherubs, Tots, Tykes, Lads and Lassies

Ah the little Cherubs!  How swiftly they bless our lives and how quickly we'd like to rent them out for the weekend when they turn 2!

Early childhood develop is crucially important for the health and well-being of your growing tyke!  Our relaxed and easygoing environment gives you the chance to learn all about your child's development and watch the little lad or lassie grow!

Preteens and Teens

The age of seemingly supernatural insight juxtaposed with complete foolishness!  The little seraph who once clung to your leg now can't stand your presence.  Whether it's helping them (or you) through the trials of the teenage years or simply offering tips on how to survive, we're here to make sure both of you make it to their 18th birthday!


The keeper of the home.  The master of mayhem management.  The comforter of life.  The CEO of child development.  Event planner.  Master Chef.  Accountant.  Chauffeur.  But most importantly, mom.

Moms, don't forget to take care of yourself too!  We offer the full-spectrum of well woman care to help you stay in top shape!

Prenatal and Obstetrical Care

Whether it's your first child or your twelfth, we know who will be there to help you deliver your baby....what other doctor's office can say that?


The chaser of the bogeyman.  The defender of the castle.  The exterminator of all home invaders.  The teller of great jokes.  The teacher and music expert.

Dads don't come to the office very often unless moms or their kids drag them in!  Rest assured, we'll take care of good ol' Dad and get him back in shape before you know it!

Elders and wise-ones

The breaker of rules and the spoiler of kids, yet the ones parents go to for wisdom, insight and advice, from their years of experience, when the going gets tough and life gets hard.

Whether it's minor health issues or complex medical problems, we take all the time needed to make sure our elders stay healthy and well.

Lumps, bumps, cuts and pus

Skin tags, moles, growths, warts, abscesses, cysts, foreign bodies, hemorrhoids, in-grown toenails and all nasty things of the skin...we've got it covered.

Osteopathic treatment

Whether you're a weekend warrior, daily grinder or suffer from a chronic medical problem.  The comprehensive osteopathic approach involves a hands-on approach to diagnosing, treating and, in some case, preventing illness and injury.


Do you have a nagging injury that just won't go away?  Consider prolotherapy as part of the plan to get you back into the game!